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  • Personalized, AI-based workouts  
  • Indoor or outdoor cycling 
  • Workout with or without a training plan


Categories: Technology

Pros & Cons

What We Like...
  • Compatible with over 200 devices including speed sensors, power meters, and smart trainers
  • 30-day money-back guarantee
  • Creates training program based on your goals
  • Can view/listen to other content while using Trainer Road
What Needs Improvement...
  • Trainer/indoor focused
  • Detailed workouts can’t be viewed in app
  • Buggy app that forces user to restart devices

Product Summary

TrainerRoad uses AI to create a personalized cycling training plan to help you achieve your goals. As the name would suggest, Trainer Road works best when used indoors with a trainer; however, it can be used outdoors by sending workouts to your Garmin or Wahoo head unit.

TrainerRoad builds their workouts based on your performance. When you start TrainerRoad, you will complete a ramp test to determine your Functional Threshold Power (FTP). FTP is the average power, measured in watts, that you can sustain for about an hour. This information will be used to help build your personalized workouts and plans.

You don’t need an expensive power meter or smart trainer to use Trainer Road. All you need is your bike, a trainer and a speed sensor. TrainerRoad will use Virtual Power to turn your speed data into power output ratings. TrainerRoad is also compatible with most power meters and smart trainers. Users really love workouts with their smart trainers because TrainerRoad will automatically control the resistance (with certain models) so you can just focus on your ride.

When building training programs, the AI takes into account your goals, experience, and schedule. You can set a goal for a specific race or general fitness. TrainerRoad will use AI to analyze all your workouts and performance will adjust future workouts based on your current skill level. If you don’t want to adjust your training program, you can also reject the changes.

If you don’t want to complete a training program you can use Train Now, which will suggest three workouts: climbing, attacking, and endurance, based on your recent performance and fitness level.

Users generally liked the TrainerRoad training programs and workouts. They saw improvements in their FTPs and felt fitter. Some users did complain about the app being buggy and slow. Many users noted that they often had to restart the app and repair devices prior to workouts to get TrainerRoad to work properly. Customers also noted that the app feels like it is mostly for indoor training and wished it incorporated outdoor training better.


ActivitiesIndoor or outdoor cycling
Training PlansYes
Necessary Equipment IndoorBike\, trainer+speed sensor
Subscription$19.95/month\, $189/year
Necessary Equipment OutdoorBike\, Garmin or Wahoo head unit


Trainer Road users enjoyed the workouts and thought they improved their cycling performance but found the app buggy and frustrating.